What is a gear reducer?

A gear reducer is a mechanism by which output of a high-speed motor or engine is reduced to a lower rotational speed, but the output torque is increased.

How do you differentiate an electric motor from a geared motor?

An electric motor is an electrical device that has a high rotational speed with a low output torque. Whereas, a geared motor unit is a combination of electric motor coupled to a gear reducer, that produces a lower rotational speed, with an increased output torque, relative to the gear ratio of the gear reducer.

What are the three most common gear types used, within gear reducers?

  • Helical gears
  • Bevel gears (a.k.a. right-angle gear configuration)
  • Worm and wheel configuration (a.k.a. right-angle gear configuration)

What is the difference between the most common types of gear reducers, i.e., inline helical, parallel shaft mount and right-angled units?

Inline helical gear reducer:
When viewing the inline helical gear unit, standing behind the electric motor or the high-speed input driving mechanism, looking at the fan cowl, the electric motors rotor shaft and the gear reducers output shaft run in line with one another, as indicated in below schematic.

Parallel shaft mount gear reducer:
When identifying a parallel shaft mount unit, the high-speed input shaft (i.e., electric motor or driving mechanism shaft) of the gear reducer; the output shaft is located parallel to the high-speed input, as indicated in schematic.

Right-angled gear units:
When identifying a right-angled gear unit the high-speed input shaft (i.e., electric motor or driving mechanism shaft) of the gear reducer; the output shaft is located at a right-angle (90°) to the high-speed input, as indicated in schematic.

How do you determine the ratio of a gear unit?

In laymen’s terms, when the low-speed output and the high-speed input is known, the gear ratio can be obtained by taking the high-speed input, divided by the low-speed output will produce the gear ratio.

What is the importance of knowing the gear reducer’s mounting position?

  • To determine the correct quantity of oil, fill for that specific mounting position, this will ensure that all the gears and bearings are sufficiently lubricated.
  • Certain mounting configurations require specific additional design features to be added to the gear reducer, e.g., breathers as well as special bearing and sealing arrangements when the gear reducer is mounted in a vertical position.

What is a safety factor?

The service factor is referred to as the ratio of the amount of power that your gear reducer can mechanically handle to the amount of power that is necessary for your application.

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